Welcome Priscilla to the RESERVED Team!
Welcome Priscilla Senior Hair Stylist at RESERVED Salon! Priscilla Maldonado has been in the industry since 2012, and has a deep...

February 2020 Styling Workshop at Reserved Salon
Ladies and hair lovers, We've held yet ANOTHER successful styling class at the salon this weekend! We love hosting these events for our...

Taylor's One Year Anniversary At Reserved
CONGRATULATIONS, TAYLOR! 1 YEAR WITH RESERVED SALON Taylor has come so far in a year! Since starting with our salon, she has grown...

3 Apps To Organize Your Life
I dread having a phone attached to me at all times, I absolutely do. These days, the amount of endless social media required to work in...

Welcome Savannah!
We are so excited to add Savannah to the RESERVED Salon team! Since she joined us this month, we already feel as if we've known each...

RESERVED Salon Christmas Adopt-A-Family 2019
We were so excited holiday season to shower the family our salon adopted for Christmas, with LOTS OF LOVE and gifts! Our sweet star of...

Halloween Ideas 2019
We picked these quick ideas we think are PERFECT for walking your kiddo around the block this Halloween. Since we know a LOT of us are...

The Magic Braiding Tip
If you're anything like us...you've pinned boards of braids on Pinterest, and then immediately wanted to try them out. I mean, braids are...

5 Ways To Reverse Hair Damage
The worst thing to ever happen to a woman's hair is getting a chemical service that just KILLS it. The after effects last, and last. Even...

Perfect Waves Tutorial
The very anticipated...very amateur videos...of how-to make those PERFECT waves...has finally arrived! Keep on reading... Step 1: Heat up...