Sultry & Stylish Wedding
Photography: Joseph West Hair: RESERVED Salon Makeup: Angela Magill

Kinard Wedding
Photography: Dozier Design Photography Hair: RESERVED Salon Makeup: Blushworthy & HM Beauty

Sea-Salt Spray
I have always found it difficult to send clients home with sea-salt sprays for the hair because they can be pretty tricky. Working with...

Beauty For Budgetting Babes
I'm not sure about you guys, but I have really started to enjoy saving my money (as opposed to blowing through it like I did in my early...

The Sienna Miller Effect
While I try my darndest to stay away from clichés...the one where the bride grows out her hair, only to chop it off the day after her...

Clearing My Acne With A Clarisonic
So, at 25 years old I've realized that those really stubborn zits that randomly pop up on your face NEVER go away- at least not...

Norvelle Spray Tan
Hip-hip hooray, it is 2015! I never thought I would live to see the day. But since I have, I am only interested in making it worthwhile....

Bellami Hair Extensions
First off, can I just say how happy I am that clip-in extensions exsist?Not only can you take them out after a long day to comfortably...

Makeup Rules To Live By
I think I have always had a major love for the beauty industry as a whole. I can fondly remember playing with my mothers red Clinique...

The New Brow- To Wax or Thread
When it comes to sculpting brows, the question is always do we get waxed? Or do we get threaded? And whenever I’ve asked myself it was...