Bellami Hair Extensions
First off, can I just say how happy I am that clip-in extensions exsist?Not only can you take them out after a long day to comfortably throw your hair into a bun, but you can also put them back in super-fast for a night out with the beau. Obviously, there is no commitment- you can even spice up your color with the extensions by going a shade lighter or darker.
When Lori came in, her highlights had faded to a different color than the extensions- we also needed to color her roots again. I decided to keep it conservative with adding more balyage highlights (since she likes to wait a while in between colors), then razor cut her hair so the extensions would blend seamlessly.
This step is optional, it doesn't mean you have to wear your extensions around the clock. A razor cut (when done by a professional) just softens the ends of you hair and prepares it for an easy grow out.
As you can see in the picture below it all blends together nicely. She purchased her own set of Bellami Hair Extensions @ Bellami Hair .