Norvelle Spray Tan
Hip-hip hooray, it is 2015! I never thought I would live to see the day. But since I have, I am only interested in making it worthwhile. Since fresh glowing skin is DEFINATELY worth while, I've decided to start my year off with a Norvelle Spray Tan (which smells like vanilla on the skin afterwards, yum.)

I know spray-tan machines get a bad reputation. I tried once when the first machine came out, it was my freshman year in high school. Needless to say, I had to go to my Homecoming game looking like an Oompa Loompa...But thanks to technology (and tanning solution improvements) these things are FOOLPROOF.
I, personally, prefer an automated booth to spray me, versus a person who does airbrushing since it is more convenient. I don't have to make an appointment, it's right by my house, and they generally last longer. Not to mention I can spray as MUCH as I want in one month ($58 unlimited) for the same price that one airbrush tan would cost me ($55+tip one time only).
My general tips would be:
Coat your fingers, palms, elbows, and soles of your feet with the barrier cream to prevent patches of solution form adhering to dry skin.
Remember to always keep your palms parallel to the floor and your eyes closed. Trust me!
Wear the hairnet.
Wipe your palms, and feet with a wet towel immediately after.
Do not scrub in the shower when you lather daily.
Maintain your tan at home with hydrating lotion, or a gradual tanning lotion by Jergans.