Adopt-A-Family Guzman Series
With the start of the holiday season upon us, I wanted to give everyone a head’s up about Adopt-A-Family this year with RESERVED Salon. We will be sponsoring a family of 3: mom, dad, and daughter Jazz (Jasmin).
We had such an amazing turn out last year supporting Elijah and his mother, who were living in a shelter at the time, and I want to thank everyone who was able to touch their lives with a small gift. I know we made their Christmas all that and more!
(Pictured below, read blog here...)

Our newest family are the Guzman’s. Mom/Sandra is 54 years young, living with her husband Angel who is 59. Angel broke his foot a few years back and is now disabled. Due to the healing process and subsequent issues, they have been forced to relocate to housing projects at Cuney Homes and are trying to dig their way out of heavy debt and harder times.
Their daughter Jasmin was a blessing to them late in life, she is currently 10 years old and a 5th grader. Jazz is an honor roll student, soccer player, and part of the safety patrol at her school. (Pictured below)

Like most parents they would like to see their child eyes light up on Christmas and she has shared some things they would like/need for their daughter, and possibly themselves.
Two pairs of black jeans size 14-16
Uniform pants (straight leg please) size 14-16
Blouse size 14-16
Shoes (all black) size 5
Stretchy pants size large or 14-16
T shirts size large or 14-16
Books (5th grade level or higher)
Soccer anything! She loves to play
Slime Machine with Beados
Charms/gift card to James Avery (she has a bracelet but mom wants her to have a few charms)
Shorts (with plenty of pockets please) size 42-44
Muscle shirts size XXL
Wasn’t listed but I think we can get creative!
Astros Shirt XXL
Yeti cup
Pots and pans
Blouse/Tops size medium to large
Pants size 12
Shoes size 7
I think we can really blow this year out of the water, everyone! I will be accepting donations at the salon and will be offering 10% off for first-time donators, and 20% for second-timers!