Perfect Waves Tutorial
The very anticipated...very amateur videos...of how-to make those PERFECT waves...has finally arrived!
Keep on reading...
Step 1:
Heat up the hair by gliding the section through the barrel a few times. This helps to mimic flat-ironing, which smoothes the cuticle after a blowout, and adds shine.
Step 2:
Roll the hair into the barrel until only the tail is left out. Make sure you are starting in the middle of the hair section. Do NOT roll from the bottom of the tail up, as doing so will burn your ends overtime and give you an undesired result.
Step 3:
Un-twist the hair in a circular motion downwards (in the direction it was originally rolled). Be sure to leave the tail clamped securely so you are able to drag and pull the ends straight. This is the most important step: do not comb through EACH curl until you are completely done with all the curls on your head. This allows everything to cool and "set". Once the twisting is cooled it creates the flat-wave effect.
Step 4:
Once the curls are "set" and cooled, feel free to run your hands through everything. Really mess it up... Flip your head upside down and apply Davines Texture Spray through the mids and lengths for lived-in feel. Set everything with hairspray, because yeah, it's Houston.